This article is on Homemade Winter skin care routine for dry skin, if you have oily skin then this routine wouldn’t work for you. Personally, I am someone who loves winters, nothing makes me feel fresh and live as the winters. Another reason why I love winters is that of the winterwear, coats, boots, wraps, furry jackets nothing can compare to the styling options that winter can bring. Also, the feel of the warm winter sun is complete bliss. Unfortunately, my tale doesn’t end like fairy tales, as winters don’t work magic on my skin nor do I look like princess Elsa, my usually dry skin turns out to become drier, chapped lips and frosty cheeks, not a stylish scene at all.
5 Best Homemade Winter Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin
So the question that comes next, “ how to take care of dry skin in winter?”. Caring for dry skin is as tough but caring for that same dry skin during the winters especially is a whole different story. I tackled the issue as long as I can remember and it is now that I finally get some control over my skin. I have wound up 5 Best Homemade Winter skin care routine for dry skin, personally tied and tested. These worked wonders for me and I sure do hope they will work for you in one way or another.
Importance of Winter Skin Care Routine
It is a few years back that I actually realized the importance of having a winter skincare routine. What I did before was just get some creams and use them along with my regular routine. Trust me that doesn’t go well at all, at least did not go well for me. As I ended u having breakouts all over my face. So when it comes to winter skin care, the first thing I’ll tell you guys is to ditch your usual routine an start from scratch. Here are 5 Best Homemade Winter skin care routine for dry skin. Time to spend some time in the kitchen, let’s get started on taking care of skin in winter naturally…
Best Homemade Winter Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin
Before getting into different skincare face packs, ill tell you some ingredients that are very good for dry skin during winters, you can make your own packs from these as you wish.
- Papaya and Banana
Papayas are loaded with antioxidants and bananas is rich in vitamins. These fruits, when rubbed on your skin, will make the skin soft and hydrated. Doing this every morning will rejuvenate your skin.
- Milk or Almond Milk
Milk is a wonderful moisturizer for the skin while almonds are rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids. When used on your face every day during winters, your skin will be soft, supple, and glowing.
- Yogurt or Buttermilk
Buttermilk contains lactic acid while Yogurt is rich in zinc, calcium, vitamin B6, and various skin friendly enzymes. This is why these should be included in the list of Winter Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin. Lactic acid peels away the dead skin cells and the other ingredients works on lightening blemishes. But do stay away from these products if you suffer from milk or dairy product allergy.
- Glycerine
Glycerine though is not an actual natural product available in the kitchen, this is one product that is very effective on dry skin. Glycerin is a natural moisturizer that helps restore skins hydration.
- Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is easily available and used effective remedy for dry skin. The product is very cheap and can be used y anyone. Apply some jelly on the affected area at night. You can see your dryness no more in the morning.
Note: do not use this product on the face at daytime as it’s had a reputation of clogging the sweat glands causing breakouts.
- Olive Oil
I love Olive oil and this is something that I carry with me all the time. Olive oil has natural antioxidants and vitamins E and K which will aid in healing even extremely dry skin within days.
- Avocado
Avocado contains healthy fats, vitamins E and C, along with carotenoids. These ingredients are pure magic on dry skin as they protect the skin from free radical damage and keep it hydrated. Believe me, you will get younger looking skin in days if used regularly.
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- Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is another one of my favorite oils. Apply coconut oil on your skin before to bed, the oil is rich fatty acids heals skin and keeps the moisture intact.
Now here are some of my favorite homemade Winter Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin.
- Milk cream and honey yum pack
I said “ yum” because this face pack is too yummy and good for dry skin. I literally lick them off my lips all the time (Gross! I know !). As I already explained, milk is just great for dry skin and honey is another key moisturizing ingredient that works wonders on your skin. So why not- just mix these two up and apply on your face for 30 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Pat dry your skin. follow this thrice a week for effective results.
- Cocoa butter and olive oil
Another one of my favorite quick face mask. Olive oil and cocoa butter for an amazing moisturizer. Use one tablespoon of cocoa butter and one tablespoon of olive oil, them up and apply on the affected area. Rinse off after few hours with lukewarm water. Do this very day see the wonders for yourself.
- Aloe vera and almond oil
If you have dry patches and dull skin overall this face pack will save you. All you need to do is take about 8-10 drops of almond oil and one teaspoon of aloe vera gel and blend them. Now apply and massage the mixture on your face in circular motions for at least 15 minutes. Do this every other night. The more you massage the better. Thank me later!
I hope my Homemade Winter skin care routine for dry skin help you enjoy winters as much as I do. Let me know your story in the comments. Take care.