
Bodily Changes One Should Expect During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a major life event and it can affect every part of your body. Because a woman’s body undergoes many transformations during the nine months, it can be physical and bodily changes. That changes can make them discomfort, so getting to know the major signs, symptoms, and changes can help to reduce the discomfort. During pregnancy, the transformation can be from your hair to toenails. So here in this article “Bodily changes one should expect during pregnancy” you will find out the changes in physical and bodily changes. And also you will find what to expect and what to do it. Read on.

Physical Changes During Pregnancy

To find out whether someone is pregnant, physical body changes are the primary markers to find easily. So here are the major physical symptoms or changes occur during pregnancy. They are:

Bodily Changes One Should Expect During Pregnancy

  • Missed Period

Cases of irregular menstrual cycles or a missed period can often denote you are pregnant. So if your menstrual cycle hasn’t yet begun despite the stipulated time having past since your last period, then you may be pregnant.

  • Tender and Swollen Breasts

Another sign of pregnancy is sensitive breasts accompanied by soreness and slight discomfort. This discomfort is due to the hormonal changes occurring inside your body and gradually decreases with time.

  • Nausea

Nausea can strike at any time or night because there is a correlation between increased nausea during the case of pregnancy.

worried pregnant women

  • Frequent Urination

As your baby starts growing in the womb, the pressure on the bladder and uterus increase. This leads to a frequent trip to the bathroom.

  • Increased Fatigue

You will feel tiredness and fatigue because of the progesterone levels are on the rising during pregnancies in the body.

  • Shortness of Breath  

This is another common sign in pregnancy case like breathless or shortness of breath. This is often followed by fatigue.

Body Changes During Pregnancy

Other than physical changes that a woman body experience during pregnancy, there are some body changes. Let’s take a look at the major body changes to occur during pregnancy.

  • Mouth and Oral health

pregnant women physical

Bleeding gums are a common pregnancy complaint, so it is very important to keep up with oral hygiene to prevent gingivitis or inflammation of the gums.

  • Hair and Nails

hair loss problem in pregnancy

During pregnancy as estrogen increases the length of the growing phase of hair follicles a woman may have good looking hair. Not only on the head but sometimes in unwanted places, such as the upper lip, stomach, back, and nipples. According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), there is also a tends to be a coarsening of the texture of nails during pregnancy, making them more brittle and soft, and they may split more easily.

  • Breasts

When she is pregnant her nipples may also be more sensitive to the touch and also the breasts may feel more full and tender. During the third trimester, a woman’s breasts may start leaking colostrum, a milky fluid. And the areolas, the skin surrounding the nipples, will darken and enlarge early in pregnancy.

  • Body Temperature

During pregnancy due to an increased metabolic rate and increased sweat gland activity, women will tend to feel warmer and sweat a lot. So to stay cool in summer try to wear loose clothing and drink plenty of water every day. If her urine looks yellow or clear and not the color of tea then the woman is getting enough water. But some prenatal vitamins may turn urine bright yellow.

So hope you liked this article “Bodily changes one should expect during pregnancy” and find useful. From the above article, you may find the physical and bodily changes that may happen during pregnancy. If you had loved this article we had love to hear about your results. Are there any questions or if you have any other suggestion and inquiries you can get in touch with me through the comments section.

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