Hair Care

Home Remedies For Itchy Scalp With Braids -Tips To Get Rid

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Braids are the protective hairstyle and it is mostly used by the afros and mixed heritage. Most people who have tried this style once in their life, but the most irritating thing about this process is an itchy scalp. A common reason for this itchy scalp is dandruff and it is caused by the overgrowth of yeast on your scalp. If your hair is pulled too tight during the braiding or weaving process, inflammation of hair follicles can develop.

Home Remedies For Itchy Scalp With Braids


Another fact about this itchy scalp is about, the downside of dandruff is flaking, or the peeling away of dry layers of the scalp. Here in this article “Home remedies for itchy scalp with braids” you will find the best home remedy tips that will sort out your scalp and eradicate the risk of permanent follicle damage, so you can swing those braids with ease. Read on.

Why do braids Make Itchy Scalp?

The main reason for itchy scalp is the tight contraction of the skin and lack of moisture and fresh air. This is because if your hair is pulled too tight during the braiding or weaving process, inflammation of hair follicles can develop. The scalp gets ridiculously dry when the hair trapped under a net or mass of hair for days without moisture. And also, sweating or getting hair wet without properly drying the scalp can cause mold or mildew to develop and create an itching sensation as well.

6 Homemade Scalp Treatments

Braided hair is one of the most irritating is how itchy braids make your scalp. But it can be easily deal with it. Here are some natural home tips which can help you. Let’s find out.

1.Apply a Dry Shampoo

By applying dry shampoo directly on your scalp helps to eliminate the excess oils and relieves the itchiness. If you don’t have time to wash your hair, use dry shampoo to help relieve the itch even if you’ve washed your hair, or work it through your hair with a wide-tooth comb.

2. Treat your Hair Before Braiding

Treating your hair properly before weaving is important because when you do manage to get the products under the weave, not being able to fully rinse it out can lead to build-up on the scalp and you guessed it- itching. So prep your braids by slathering on a moisturizing conditioner and sealing with oil during the braiding process to avoid the itching. If you are treating your hair this way then the treatments can remain on your hair during the duration of weave install and your braids should still be soft and supple when you remove your weave.

  3. Give your Weave Room to Breathe

Try sleeping with your hair bonnet off, if you find yourself in a raging itch battle in the middle of the night. By doing that the air will help soothe the scalp and reduce the pain. So stop covering your hair with a hair bonnet while sleeping, because this traps air and makes the itching worse.

4. Avoid Applying too much Oil

Try to avoid applying too much oil or grease to your scalp because this will only trap itch-causing bacteria. Tea tree oil has been known to ease the pain of itching, but too much of it can be bad as well. So, avoid applying too much each day.

5. See a Professional

Please take your scalp to a health professional to have the problem addressed. And if you have a severe case of an itch or severe dandruff, one that results in pus forming bumps on the head.

6. Loosen Up

Don’t pull too much when installing your braids, and the common myth is that the tighter the braids, the longer they’ll last. But the risk of permanent hair loss definitely isn’t worth being able to rock a hairstyle for a week or two longer.

If you have the itchy scalp with braids, what are waiting for? Try out this simple home remedies mentioned the above and say goodbye to the itchy scalp forever. Hope you liked this article “Home remedies for itchy scalp with braids” and find useful. If you have any other suggestion and inquiries you can get in touch with me through the comments section.

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