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How The Ocean Health Impact Human Health?
Over the years, the oceans of the world have faced unforeseen defiance owing to human activity.
The latest report suggests that human health is critically associated with ocean health.
How The Ocean Health Impact Human Health?
These findings are aimed at reversing the harm done to the ocean and work towards restoring its original balance.
What do we mean by ocean health?
71% of the surface of the earth is covered by the ocean and maintaining the sanctity of such a water body is essential for both the wellbeing of the environment and mankind.
Human activities have heavily afflicted the oceans over the decades.
The current issues the oceans of the world facing are marine pollution, ocean acidification, overfishing, and a rise in sea levels.
As revealed in the latest study, these factors adversely affect human health besides the ecological profile of the oceans.
The group that carried out the study implies that 2012-2030 has been deemed as the Decade Of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development by the United Nations (UN). Hence this will be an ideal time to make an effort for the restoration of the ocean ecosystem.
As stated by Prof. Sheilla J.J Heyman of the European Marine Board, the ocean decade declared by the UN should be seen as an opportunity to revise the way we interact with nature.
She further implies it is crucial to understand the importance of oceans for the wellbeing of humans.
The efforts should be taken up by everyone and not kept restricted among just the ocean communities. Policymakers, businesses, and all stakeholders should have active participation in the initiative, Hayman further adds.
It is important to note that Prof. Sheilla J.J Heyman is also one of the fellow members of the group that undertook and authored the study.
What we mean by human health?
According to the researchers involved in the study, an estimated 250 million cases of respiratory illness across the world is attributable to swimming in the polluted sea or ocean water.
The indigenous population of the Arctic circle has become vulnerable to organic pollutant build-ups.
The population of the coastal areas whose life is disrupted due to collapsing of fish stocks, restricted food access, and increased livelihood opportunities.
Researchers suggest that improving the condition of the oceans across the world will have a positive impact on the life of mankind as well.
The point of argument favoring the initiative holds that seafood is the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids. This is extracted from marine life and plays a significant role in the manufacture of many essential medicines.
Moreover, location in close proximity to water bodies like seas and oceans termed as ‘blue spaces’ is known to have a positive impact on the health and mind of people.
Initiative to be taken up at all levels.
Since the health of the ocean is intricately connected to the health of humans, researchers imply that the initiative should go beyond marine scientists to every stratum of the community.
The Seas, Oceans, and Public Health in Europe (SOPHIE) project, as a part of the initiative, has pinpointed three areas that require collaboration from everyone.
These areas include sustainable seafood for healthy people, biodiversity, biotechnology and medicine, blue spaces tourism, and wellbeing.
Researchers believe that a mutual understanding and collaboration among the different stakeholders and sections of the community can enhance the positive outcome of the SOPHIE Project.
This further includes implementing practical sustainable solutions to counter the issues and promote betterment for the oceans.
The UN ocean decade has been received by the researcher as an opportunity to inculcate an environment-friendly outlook among the people and adapting the way we consume our food, our lifestyle, and be open to the changes that may come.
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