Skin Care

How To Whiten Underarms Permanently? 10 Ways!

Summers and springs are all about rocking those sleeveless tops and dresses. Sleeveless calls for clean armpits.  No one likes to see bushy hair sticking out from under your arms or dark patches or irritated skin every time you lift your hands up. Am not someone who wished to promote any kind of whitening products or saying that underarms need to be white like those of that we see in the ads. This article will be all how to keep the underarms well groomed and something you can be confident about so that you can enjoy the dresses you love without worrying much. 

So before getting into ways to permanently cure dark underarms, let’s see what actually causes darkening of the area.

How To Whiten Underarms Permanently?

The dark color in your armpits is not a new thing, it’s very common. In most of the cases, a dark underarm is the result of excessive shaving or overuse of hair removing creams or waking strips,  that are full of chemicals which often lead to armpits discoloration.

How To Whiten Underarms Permanently

What Causes for Dark Underarms?

Apart from the above reason, dark underarms can also happen due to the build-up of dead skin cells just; like any part of your body where there is friction between the skin, the skin tends to darken due to the lack of ventilation. This case is aggravated when we again use chemical base deodorants, perfume, antiperspirants. The darkness is you see is the body’s reaction to the chemicals that it’s not happy with along with lack of ventilation as well as friction. 

Prevention is better than cure, therefore I would also like to let you guys know the thing you need to do to protect your underarm as well as to save the area from more darkening. Here is what you can do:

  • Stop smoking, this is a good thing to start with if you have the habit- trust me you can see a huge difference in your skin.
  • Get rid of that razor- no matter how smooth or flexible you shaving blade is- I would never recommend shaving the underarm area regularly. This can cause cracks in the skin, leading to infection, ingrown hair bumps and also darkening of the rea. 
  • Try changing the brand of your deodorant/antiperspirant. Go for products that are less chemical based. 

Note: If you are into DIY, there are some natural alternatives such as apple cider vinegar baking soda. These ingredients have the same properties they of the deodorant, yes I have tried and it does work. I used an old loose powder container to store baking power and brush some underarms after every bath, it works well and it did severe itching and bumps for me.  

Causes for Dark Underarms

Following the above tips can help you to lighten underarms permanently. But if you have a severe condition and you are looking for a quick way to get rid of dark underarms at home here are few ingredients you can use to apply on the area to see visible results within just weeks of application:

  • Lemon: A great agent in removing dead skin cells and lightening the area.
  • Potato: Potato has bleaching properties. Massage the juice daily for a few weeks, this can work wonders on not just under arms but any area on your body that has discoloration
  • Aloe Vera: A great moisturizer as well as a healing agent for the sensitive skin on the underarm area. 
  • Baking soda: Applying a fine paste of baking soda on the effective area works well
  • Cucumber Juice: You can either rub a slice of cucumber or apply the juice on the area every day to heal any infection in the area.
  • Honey and sugar scrub for underarms is a great way to exfoliate the skin and well as heal any underlying infection, leading to bright and soft underarm skin.

I hope you are able to get rid of the issue with the above mentioned home remedies.  If none of these work for you-you can consult a dermatologist and get an underarm whitening treatment done. This can be a bit pricy but will definitely work for you. The kind of treatment method will depend on your condition as well as skin type, which only a dermatologist will be able to choose for you. 

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