
Struggling To Work During COVID-19? This Is What You Can Do

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With the continuing pandemic and the new normal of Work From Home, human beings are challenged to put up with their mental health like never before. 

If you have been getting exhausted with the WFH mode, know that you are not alone. According to a survey conducted by FlexJobs in late December, an estimated 65% of Americans want to go back to their regular workplace whereas 31% prefer to continue with the remote work environment. 

Struggling To Work During COVID-19? This Is What You Can Do


While it is easier to say that working from home is quite simple as you have the freedom to contribute to your company from the comfort of your house, it is difficult in action. 

2020 saw a major spike in mental health cases mostly in the working sector as people were suffering from increased depression and sleeping problems. 

And even though vaccines are being distributed and lockdowns are being lifted, the extension of the pandemic prevails. Also, with the shocking unemployment rates, you may be feeling grateful for your job but your mental health refuses to enjoy it. 

The following are a few measures that you can practice to achieve better work performance from home-

Arrange your personalized workspace

Having a comfortable workspace is the key to increased productiveness. You can look for the most calming place in your house or use your room if needed, as your workspace. Set the tables, laptop, and files with a cup of coffee. 

Use a scented candle to keep the room fragrant as it would help you to achieve better concentration and reduces stress to a great extent. 

Practice rearranging your work table or room once you are done for the day as it would make you feel energetic and happy to work the next morning. 

Make a list of all the activities for the day

It is quite natural to be bothered about your pending laundry or house cleaning while you are busy attending phone calls or drafting an important mail. It takes away your focus and your mind wanders elsewhere. 

Set a timetable for each day or week by planning out all the list of things you need to get done urgently apart from your work.

Accordingly, see how you can fit each of the tasks into your schedule such that you can get it completed easily. 

Stop working after your office hours 

The most common thing we all do while working from home is that we tend to continue with our tasks with the thought that we are anyways at home and therefore it doesn’t matter.

Your brain needs sufficient rest to be recharged for the next day. Once you have finished all your projects and calls, put away all those electronic devices and leave your workspace like the usual way you are leaving the office. 

Read more about: Effective Tips To Tackle Work From Home Situations

Spend time with yourself or your loved ones

One of the key ways to relieve work stress is spending time the way you like after a long day of work. 

If you are an introvert, you are most likely to spend time reading your favorite book or watching your favorite movie, etc by yourself. 

And as for the extroverts, you go out and spend time with the people you love. Doesn’t matter which of the two you are, set yourself free from your work tasks when your office hours are over. You need to make sufficient time for yourself to relax and gain back your energy levels. 

Set clear boundaries to prevent personal interruptions 

A major challenge in WFH is that sometimes your family members, neighbors, or friends tend to drop by and unintentionally interrupt your work. 

In such cases communicate with them about the hours that you are unavailable and that you would like to be uninterrupted. Also, let them know of the hours that you are available so that you can connect with them without any interruptions as well.  

Unlike your office, being distracted while you are working from home can easily result in deadlines, procrastination, improper communication, and make you lose track of your tasks. Your team wouldn’t also like to have such a member so, therefore, ensure that you can work peacefully. 

Balance your social life and work-life

This is quite tied up with the earlier steps that I mentioned. Balancing your social life and work-life is crucial for your mental health. Whether you are working from home or office, taking necessary breaks is vital to not become a workaholic. 

Due to lockdown restrictions, you may not be able to go outside and catch up with your family, friends, or neighbors. In such cases, call or text them. 

Be it a voice call or video chat or messaging, reach out to the people that you love when you are free for the day. A good balance between your social life and work life is important for your healthy functioning. 

Plan your diet 

This is one of the easiest ways that you can save lots of time during weekdays. You are already in the middle of so much work, you have to respond to messages, prepare presentations, etc but you are too hungry that you barely have the energy. Worst part? You haven’t planned your meal and you have no time to prepare them!

Skipping food is probably the worst thing you can do in such cases but you are left with no option. This is why planning your meal is necessary. 

Ensure to make a list of the specific food items you would like to have for each day. You can either plan them during weekdays or before your workday. Include nutritious fruits and vegetables in your meals and snacks as it would provide you with better focus and maintain your health. 

To conclude…

Work From Home might be difficult but not as worse as you think. With the help of effective steps, you may be able to have an enjoyable time! 

The best advice that I would like to give you is to not stress yourself too much. Your work environment might have changed but you can always adapt. Do your favorite hobbies, watch a movie, listen to music or talk to someone in your free hours. 

These are all vital for your productivity as well as your mental health. Ensure to get sufficient sleep so that you can feel refreshed and energetic for the next day at work! 

Read more about: COVID-19 Vs Mental And Physical Well-Being

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